2013年9月10日 星期二

No more iPhones in hand

Are these slap rulers your childhood? At least they are my childhood, wrapping around my whole arms!

What if Apple is making one too, are you going to say it's childish again?

Rumors and other wearable accessories
There are tons of rumors about the upcoming accessory, possibly named iWatch. Let's guess how it looks like~

You may saw the Samsung Galaxy Gear. So what? That's ugly and no design at all.
Colorful watch bands, which look like a toy watch but doesn't price like one. Who will buy it? Parents buying for their children?

Some rumors copied similar design, chit-chatting about Apple iWatch, having a squared resolution screen with a plastic watch band, just similar to the iPod Nano few years ago. But I don't think Apple will make similar product twice, unless they know what they are doing.

However, some rumors also mentioned about curved glass and snap glass bracelet which I think made more senses.

After all those rumors, my guess for the upcoming iWatch is: Slap bracelet!

Slap Bracelet Watch

The watch will act as an extra screen for your iPhone or iPad, simply that you don't need to hold your bulky iPhone or iPad in hand anymore. You can interact with the watch when it's wrapping around your wrist unless you need a bigger screen by opening up the bracelet, for reading map. But if you need to play the deadly "Planet vs Zombies 2", possibly you may need to take out another iDevices.

Also, by wrapping around your wrist, it will be easier to carry for sports, like jogging or riding bicycles. You can wear for daily usage, just like the Jawbone Up for tracking your health condition.

And about the resolution, I doubt the watch is just having a squared resolution screen. It's not elegant enough. My guess is, by reading some of the patents from Apple, the screen possibly spans across the whole bracelet. In this way, for example, you can see the time when your palm facing up and some other applications when your palm is facing down.

And a flexible battery pack too!
As Apple also holding a patent for flexible battery pack, which telling us that the new accessory may have no noticeable weird part on the accessory for storing the battery pack. Having these two bulky components in a flexible shape, all the remaining parts will possibly just need a size like a AA-sized battery.

Extra: Power saving screen?
Power may be an issue. The watch can't packed with a heavy battery. A watch should be light-weighted. So the battery pack should not be as big as those in iPhone. Although in the patent, it states that it may harvesting different kinds of energies, for example kinetic energy, for extending the battery life but Apple may also put some efforts on the screen: using a hybrid display. Having LCD, for displaying colors and HD videos, and E-ink like screen for power saving and some applications that just need a low refresh rate, like displaying current time. In this way, the watch can be very power efficient when idle. This idea is also come from a patent from Apple.

Although Apple said E-ink is a waste of time, but they may only saying the ebook business.

Market dominating with fashion
Apple so far is on the high-end stylish path, despite the iPhone 5C which seems to be a totally different story. Accessories should also target the stylish market, making the products able to work perfectly well with fashion.

At least that's what I'm dreaming of, for the iWatch.

[1] Apple's Slap Bracelet Patent - http://www.patentlyapple.com/patently-apple/2013/02/talk-about-timing-apples-wristwatch-patent-arrives.html

[2] Flexible Battery Pack Patent - http://www.patentlyapple.com/patently-apple/2013/07/apple-prepares-battery-designs-for-flexible-display-devices-while-their-maps-may-gain-a-few-minor-features.html

[3] Power Saving Screen Patent - http://www.patentlyapple.com/patently-apple/2011/11/apple-invents-a-more-efficient-oled-hybrid-display-to-save-power.html

[4] Snap Bracelet Rumor about iWatch - http://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonykosner/2013/02/21/the-iwatch-as-snap-bracelet-apple-just-got-the-patent/

[5] Rumors about iWatch - http://gadgetsdairy.com/interesting-rumors-and-expected-features-of-apple-iwatch/