2013年6月15日 星期六

Replies of the letters about Lumia 920

Two weeks ago, Hong Kong office gave me a call. They said to send me back my parcel with a word of "we will redirect your comments" with nothing more at all.
After three months of waiting, Nokia gave me no reply at all, but just giving me back my parcel.
They just replied me in an official tone and told me to grab back my parcel I sent in the Care Store in Mongkok.

When I went to the Care Store for pickup, noone understood what I would like to pickup. During the phone conversation, the officer said I only needed to present my ID card for identification, but seemed like it's not...
After an hour of waiting, they finally found it. But with such a poor communication and coordination between different departments, what can I expect from this corporation?
Theoretically it's a dead man walking.

If I got no reply just because I am a user without fame, I doubt this corporation can live long.

Microsoft did gave me a really quick response at least.
Actually they replied me two weeks after I sent the email. I know that it's quite difficult to have anything improvement in a sudden, but at least it shows a little bit more good impression than just "it is an official reply".

Below are the whole reply from Microsoft:
Hi Michael,

Thanks a lot for your great feedback. Sorry that I was hand tied with the Tech Days event last week, so wasn’t able to get back to you, but I remember your email J

As a WP8 user, I echo a lot of your comments and there are still room to improve. A lot of things that you mentioned are valid and requires the growth of the whole ecosystem. E.g. number of apps and use of Live Tiles by the developers. So there is still a lot of work for us to do J

I have routed your email internally to our product team. I assure that your voice is being heard loud and clear, and it might be changing future Windows Phone too ~ remember at first WP7 also did not have copy and paste features. It’s because of all those user feedback that the product team decided to add it.

So if you have more suggestions and comments, feel free to drop me an email J

Thanks ~

Andy Cheung
Technical Evangelist
Microsoft Hong Kong

Below are the original copy of the letters sent to these two corporations.

== 中文版 ==
兩個星期前, 香港既 office 打電話過黎. 重點係叫我拎番件郵件, 仲有就係第二句: "我會反映番你既意見".
等左三個月, Nokia 得兩三句既官方回應, 完全無俾任何回應, 淨係叫我拎番件郵件, 我真係好驚訝.

當我去到旺角既 Nokia Care Store, 我諗住應該話拎番就 okay 啦, 因為跟我講電話既職員話出示身份證就得. 點知去到 d 職員係度問有冇 reference no. 之類既野...
結果佢地用左差唔多半個鐘既時間先揾到. 點解部門之間既溝通會差成咁...? 其實我仲可以期待 d 咩?

微軟既回應就好少少, 起碼我 send email 後兩個星期就有回應.
上面是英文版的原文, 就不重新貼一遍了. 簡單一點講就係其實我遇到的問題, 有很多人都遇上過, 全因 user feedback 所以在 WP7 既年代先有 "複製貼上" 既功能. 並且已經將我既意見傳左俾產品開發部.

我都明白其實好難有即時既改進, 但最起碼係態度既問題, 就算係一個小小既用家, 唔洗要求都應該俾個回覆吧?
假如見係一個小用家就不予回應, 我想, 這公司好極都有限吧.
